FEP Blue Focus has a limited (or closed) formulary. This means that we only cover some U.S. FDA approved drugs. Drugs not on the FEP Blue Focus formulary are generally not covered.
FEP Blue Basic has a managed formulary. This means that we cover most U.S. FDA approved drugs. See the Managed Not Covered list with available covered options.
FEP Blue Standard has a comprehensive formulary. This means we cover almost all U.S. FDA approved drugs. There is a small list of excluded drugs that are not covered. See the list of Excluded Drugs with available covered options.
With the FEP Medicare Prescription Drug Program (MPDP), there are four drug tiers for all of our plans. This benefit also offers additional approved prescription drugs in some tiers than our traditional pharmacy benefit. You can view MPDP formularies here. There is also an out-of-pocket maximum, or cap, on the amount you pay out-of-pocket on prescriptions annually.