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If your depression progresses beyond your control, talk to your doctor or use our telehealth services. Behavioral health therapists are available for adults (age 18+) by appointment to provide support when you need it most.
How to Fight Back Against Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is very real. And as we get closer to the holidays, SAD can take a larger toll on our mental well-being. Financial stress, loss of loved ones, family troubles and so many other things can contribute to depression during the holidays. But there are several ways to try to cope with it.
- Set realistic goals—don’t take on responsibilities you can’t handle.
- Spread out the season—don’t cram all your happiness into one day.
- Volunteer—making other people happy during the holidays can be contagious.
- Don’t look to the past—instead of comparing with times you’ve had, look ahead to the future.
- Spend more time with others—socializing can be a great distraction from everyday stress.
- Make time for yourself—don’t overburden yourself with too much socialization.
- Limit your drinking—alcohol is a depressant and can make matters much worse.
- Share the responsibility—don’t take on a gathering or other holiday task all by yourself.
- Set a budget—keep track of your spending to avoid financial stress.
- Plan a vacation—spend your holidays away from the things that stress you out.
- Exercise more—exercise is the healthiest way to de-stress.
If your depression progresses beyond your control, talk to your doctor or use our telehealth services. Behavioral health therapists are available for adults (age 18+) by appointment to provide support when you need it most.