The Impact of Qualifying Life Events

Have you recently gotten married, had a baby or had some other major life event? These changes, known as qualifying life events, might allow you to change your health plan based on your new needs.
What’s a qualifying life event?
A qualifying life event (QLE) is any change in your situation that makes you eligible to enroll in, change or cancel your health plan outside of Open Season—which for federal employees and retirees, is the second Monday of November through the second Monday of December each year.
There are a few main types of qualifying life events:
Change in family status
These include getting married, having a baby or adopting a child, getting divorced or legally separated or death of a spouse or dependent.
Change in employment status
This includes restoring to a civilian position after serving in the uniformed services or changing to or from part-time career employment.
Loss of Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Program or other coverage
This includes losing coverage under another federally sponsored health benefits program or losing coverage due to a change in worksite or residence.
What should you do if you have a qualifying life event?
Generally, if you decide to change your health plan, you must do so within 60 days of the QLE. Use this time to assess your new healthcare needs. Do you need more or less coverage? Do you or anyone in your family have certain prescription drug needs? Would you like no deductible for in-network care?
If you need help deciding which plan is right for you, try our AskBlue product selection tool. Answer a few questions, and you’ll get a recommendation for the benefit plan option that best suits your needs.