Blue Cross Blue Shield FEP Dental®
For additional coverage beyond our health plan benefits, we offer supplemental dental coverage for federal employees, retired federal employees, retired uniformed service members and their families.
Get three covered cleanings and more
A healthy smile is an important part of your overall health. That’s why BCBS FEP Dental offers the supplemental coverage you and your family need to keep your teeth healthy, including three covered cleanings a year.
These benefits are neither offered nor guaranteed under contract with the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB) but are made available to all enrollees and family members who become members of BCBS FEP Dental.
BCBS FEP Dental offers more benefits that make you smile:
Two great plan options
High Option
- Three covered cleanings a year
- Unlimited annual maximum for in-network benefits
- $3,000 annual maximum for out-of-network benefits
Standard Option
- Three covered cleanings a year
- $1,500 annual maximum for in-network benefits
- $750 annual maximum for out-of-network benefits
To learn more, download the 2024 BCBS FEP Dental brochure or order a printed brochure here.